So.. things got super busy on the run up to Christmas as always. Sorting orders and then also trying to dodge the postal strikes and the overwhelmed courier services, not to mention that our phone line got disconnected again! We actually hadn't noticed except the WIFI was super slow, for a week or so and i thought i've had enough, went to ring BT and no dial tone. Over the field where our wire comes up out of the ground to a junction box it had made itself loose in the wind, apparently.... Anynow now we are fixed....
Oh and I started a YouTube channel! Yes why not i thought, I already don't have enough to do, but seriously I'm enjoying it once I got over the weird feeling of talking to my phone camera. The hardest thing now is remembering to set my phone up ready to record things. I'm hopeful people will enjoy a piece of the smallholding life it certainly will be varied and if you log in and maybe subscribe please let me know what you'd like to see and it will help me focus my attentions into content you all want to see.
Then.. well over Christmas we ended up having a great chat with some friends and the conversation went onto business topics and I spoken about the Clean Goat Soap Company I run and where I would like to take it. During that conversation he made it clear that my social media page may confuse some customers, if you love soap why would you also say want to see an image of one of my cute piggies? What about Blue the peacock? I fought against the idea that I needed two pages, after all its taken me years to reach over 900 followers and of course when you start mixing things about some will unfollow you some people wont like the fact things are confusing to start or that people won't follow the new page for this side of what I do here the smallholding side of things but hey I know that my friend spoke a lot of sense and so I've got to go with it.
So on top of that the main logo is being tweaked, the name is going to be Clean Goat Co. to incorporate all the new skincare range I'll be adding which should make it more inclusive. The smallholding side also gets a logo and these are being done. So I guess why I'm typing this all up is that things are changing but for the better and hopefully you'll all see a simplified front from me.
In other big news, and I mean MASSIVE NEWS the sheep moved to new rented land at the end of December.... a whole 6.5acres split into 3 fields. Our land rotation is sorted here now which means so much for the growth of grass and repairing the land which is very much needed as its been so wet.
A male goat got injured and ended up having surgery... I have no idea how Harley ripped his lower lip but a section needed to be removed. He'll hopefully be fine and 5 days of injectable painkiller and antibiotics have seen him good. his tongue will probably hang out a little from now on poor lad.
The other BIG NEWS is that back in August Arwyn the billy goat had jumped the fence... Well we didn't think he'd 'got' anyone as no one was showing signs of wanting to mate. Well this week 3 girls 'bagged up' as in they developed udders and within 3 days of each other we now have 5 baby goats! Woosh! And there was me thinking that we were not going to be kidding goats till May! So thats three boys and two girls to date....
The OTHER MASSIVE & HUGE NEWS and this really is .... We need help. So we've set up a Go Fund Me campaign. Its for £9,500 which sounds a lot but it really isn't for what we hope to build, using our own labour for the whole job we are planning to build a big barn for the goats and a space which will help us run workshops far more easily as well a multi sue space for extra storage space and a specific milking area. It will reduce my time spent walking and carrying goat muck and hay for them daily particularly during winter when its raining hard sometimes for days at a time. Please Click on Hudson's picture below to be taken to the Go Fund Me website... Please read our page and if you can help, even £1.00 will help and share our page to others who you think would like to be involved as well.
Everyone can donate and choose a reward as well as being part of the place.
There are plenty more things happening, I'll video what I can and if you donate anything or share our post I would like to say thank you to you.
Hopefully we will see you pop back again, youtube or the new facebook page and Instagram page